Friday, May 16, 2014

Thoughts on My Favorite Films: Part I

As a student I am constantly asked what my major is by friends, family and coworkers, to which I reply “film studies and criticism”. Their next questions is usually “what is your favorite film/movie?” I think it is impossible for me to answer with a sole title in that every movie that I love, I love for a different reason. So, I am beginning on a path to understanding what my favorite films are, and why they became so in comparison to all others.  Do not hold me to this, but I think I have managed to narrow it down to a short list of my top five films.

They are as such (in no particular order): The Godfather, Schindler's List, American Beauty, Never Let Me Go and V For Vendetta.

I am going to spend the next couple months rewatching these films, writing tid-bits on my first viewing of these films, and comparing my original interpretations to my most recent. However, I would like to focus on what impacts me so greatly about each particular film. I know my favorite films are not "the greatest films of all time," whether you rate that based on Rotten Tomatoes, box office ratings, or by listening to the critics. However, each film left a mark on me, leading me in the direction of truly exploring and appreciating cinema. Cheers to that.

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